San Diego, CA 92120

Do any of these describe you?
- I have to manage stress more effectively.
- I have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
- I want to grow as a person, but don’t know where to start.
- I wish I could feel less depressed.
- I am struggling with coming out to my family; at work; to myself.
- I can’t seem to make my relationship(s) work.
- I am often exhausted from taking care of everyone’s needs.
- I need to cope and be more productive.
- I want to have better self-esteem, be more confident and stop dwelling on mistakes.
My Practice


Coming Out
Lesbian and Gay Issues
Relationship Issues
Work Issues
Lifestyle Balance
Stress Management
Personal Growth
Coping Skills
About You
Whatever you are dealing with, I can best help you if you are willing to:
- learn about yourself
- work on containing destructive impulses
- take good care of your physical self
- look at yourself with honesty
- express yourself, even when it’s tough
- do homework consistently
Lesbian & Gay Issues

Addressing our community’s unique needs, as well as providing an affirmative place to attend to all areas of life:
- Coming Out
- Family Issues
- Dealing with Social Pressures and Social Expectations
- Rejection
- Relationships
- Pre-marital counseling
- Couples Therapy

LGBTQI Resources (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex)
Many people suffer from sleep problems. About one third of adults have experienced insomnia, and about half of those who report insomnia endure it on a regular, long-term basis.

About me
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on how your thoughts about yourself, others, and the world affect the way you feel and behave. Humanistic, psychodynamic, and positive psychology approaches involve developing your ability to better understand, take care of, and appreciate yourself as an individual, with your unique voice and goals. Mindfulness practice can help you reconnect non-judgmentally to the present moment, rather than focus on the pain of the past or the worry about the future. Increased overall happiness is often the result of these modalities.
My approach with you will depend on your specific needs. I have learned that people seeking counseling and psychotherapy are often looking for specific skill sets they may be lacking. Developing such skill sets to meet your specific needs is my specialty.
- 1991 California Psychologist License: #PSY 12173
- 1989 PhD in Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, CA
- 1986 MA in Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, CA
- 1984 BA in Psychology, California State University, Northridge, CA
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- California Psychological Association (CPA)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA)
- Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues (APA Div. 44 )
- Doctoral Dissertation Defense with Honors
- Bachelor of Arts Degree, Summa Cum Laude
If you have insurance benefits and wish to use them, please call the phone number on your insurance card and give them my last name so that they can verify my status as a provider for your plan. In this same telephone call to your insurance company, you may want to obtain the following information:
- an authorization number for therapy
- your co-payment (the amount you pay) per session
- the number of sessions you are allowed per year
- your deductible (the amount you may have to pay out of pocket before they begin to pay)
Each insurance company offers a variety of plans. Co-payment amounts, deductibles and limits can vary from one plan to another. Feel free to contact me with questions related to insurance.
If you wish to use your insurance benefits, rather than pay out of pocket, there are a few things you may want to know. The insurance company will require health care providers like myself to provide information in exchange for obtaining payment, thereby limiting your privacy. While insurance plans vary in information requiring disclosure, this information can include: your specific diagnosis, dates of service, symptoms, personal history, and treatment issues. They may also require my treatment plan and rationale, as well as information about your progress.
If you have questions or concerns about any of these policies and procedures or regarding our potential interactions on the Internet, please bring them to my attention so that we can discuss them.